Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our (not so) Little Boy

Logan's 2-month stats:
Height: 22 5/8 in. (37%ile)
Weight: 12 lbs. 12.4 oz. (75%ile)
Head Circumference: 40.4 cm (60%ile)
Logan's 4-month stats:
Height: 25 1/4 in. (64%ile)
Weight: 16 lbs. 4.8oz. (76%ile)
Head Circumference: 44 cm. (86%ile)
This cutie pie kind of has a big head. We're sure it's full of lots of smarty-pants brains. At 3 months Logan started rolling over and laughing. He isn't very consistent with rolling over, but he's done it enough that we know that first time wasn't just a fluke. He LOVES laughing. Whenever someone looks at him, he gives a big smile. Such a social guy! Kayla loves trying to make him smile and laugh. I hope she continues to love him as much as she does right now. They are very sweet together. We are so blessed to have two loving, happy children!


Laurie said...

So cute together! Can't wait to see all of you again!

Chad and Carole said...

Chad has never done that little standing feet thing in his hand. And I am so glad. It would make me nervous. Well, Natalie's, what, um, 15 months now and she only has Logan by 3 pounds! He is one cute little chunk!

Jen, Jenny, Jennifer said...

What a cutie! :)