Monday, October 18, 2010

The Franklin Park Zoo Experience

We were fortunate this afternoon to have Braden home with us! We decided to take advantage of our time together as a family and head downtown to the zoo. I have a library card, which allows us to get a zoo pass for the day. This means that rather than paying $14/person we only paid $2/person. AWESOME!
We got to see a lot of the "regular" zoo animals: zebras, a lion, tigers, snakes, gorillas, fish, lots of weird birds, and the typical "barnyard" animals. We also saw kangaroos and camels. Kayla enjoyed looking at the animals and waving to them from her stroller.

This guy came right up to Kayla. I don't know what he wanted, but as soon as we turned to go, he left too! I guess Kayla is just so cute that even the animals have to say hi!

There was a safari car "driven" into the lion exhibit. Braden looks like he would be an excellent guide on an African safari!

Kayla was pointing at the camels. Those are some huge animals!

When we first walked into the zoo we saw this baby zebra. He was born September 6! Cute little mohawk!

Saying hi to the black swans.

Hanging out in the African Jungle exhibit.

Kayla loved playing in the Aussie area. (She's sitting on a platypus.)

Did you know a kangaroo can jump 20 feet? Braden tried out his jumping skills.
I think he did pretty well. Almost 10 feet! Not quite as far as a kangaroo, but not too bad!

(Also, did you notice Kayla's new haircut? A chunk of hair kept falling in her eyes and so one day I just chopped it off!)


Carrie Wood said...

You guys are such a cute family! I have to admit I'm jealous about your zoo discount and about how Kayla has enough hair to put in pig tails!

Terrill and Emily said...

I love Kayla's haircut. It looks like you guys are having lots of fun!

Jessica Madsen said...

Her hair looks adorable!

Chad and Carole said...

I really just thought she is definitely a keeper with day. Loved the Kangaroo Jump.

Melanie said...

Nerd Alert Braden


ian said...

Wandered into your blog via a blog scavenger hunt, created by sharkbytes at =]

Just found black swans in your blog =]

Thanks for sharing =]

bklain said...

oh my goodness. She is so cute. I LOVE PIGTAILS!!!