Thursday, July 24, 2008

We remembered how to develop film...

And it's not as easy as I recall. Too many boxes with too many labels. Oh well, we figured it out and hopefully we won't leave without full batteries again. From now on we just have to click "import". Hopefully. Here are some cool pics from our trip to St. Louis (you can't tell in the photos but we are actually wearing scuba gear - it is seriously that humid in St. Louis)

Let's see, what do we have: Tiff and an Elephant, my best "giraffe", how high the Mississippi was, my beautiful wife and the gateway arch, and a dead gazelle in a tree.


Ryan said...

What is that in the tree? A gazelle? Is that in the leopard cage or something?

braden said...

Yes it's a gazelle. But no, it's not in the leopard cage, it's just off the trail to the elephants.

Colby said...

Since when did elephants start eating gazelles! (It's really Becca). I've started growing a beard!